Widest Range of Dry Eye Treatments
Our consultant-led, Dry Eye Clinic, Manchester offers the full range of specialist dry eye treatments, including treatment of chalazion cysts and ocular rosacea. If you’re looking for relief from dry eye symptoms, contact us today.
Widest Range of Dry Eye Treatments
Our consultant-led, Dry Eye Clinic, Manchester offers the full range of specialist dry eye treatments, including treatment of chalazion cysts and ocular rosacea. If you’re looking for relief from dry eye symptoms, contact us today.

Get the Latest Treatment for Dry Eyes
The Dry Eyes Clinic offers a full specialist dry eye care package:
- Comprehensive assessments with an expert consultant ophthalmologist
- Accurate and detailed diagnostics, including conditions mimicking dry eyes
- Cutting-edge treatments including Lipiflow, Optilight and meibomian gland probing
- Tailored prescribing and advice for each patient
Why Choose Us?
Take The Free 3 Minute Online Quiz To Discover Whether You Have Dry Eyes
We offer a friendly, personal and caring service
From telephone to treatment, you’ll be met by genuine concern and warmth. Every patient matters.
We’ve been around since 2015
We’ve helped thousands of people as we continue to lead the way in dry eye services in the UK.
We undertake comprehensive diagnostics
A combination of diagnostic technology and expert consultant knowledge means you’ll get the right treatment.
We offer a wide range of treatment options
We provide the full range of dry eye treatments, from prescription medication to the latest Optilight IPL.
What People Say About Us
“The treatment has definitely made a difference. It took around 5 weeks before I noticed that my eyes were less dry. I realised that I was only using my drops about twice a day and once at night instead of numerous times. I hope this feedback is useful to you and other patients in managing this difficult condition. I will definitely use the Lipiflow treatment again in the future.”
“My life was taken over by Dry Eyes syndrome… the most painful experience I have ever had!
Now my eyes have improved weekly, the feeling of moisture again is wonderful. The treatment & support I received was fantastic. I have got my life back.”
“I had to wear sunglasses all of the time because my eyes were very sensitive to light.
When I walked out of the doctor’s office from my first Lipiflow treatment, I didn’t need sunglasses.”
“I’ve had Dry Eyes for several years and it evolved to a point where I could hardly tolerate it.
The treatment felt very comfortable. Now I have no pain in my eyes, light doesn’t bother me as much, my life is different. I am grateful.”

What is a Chalazion?
What is a chalazion? A chalazion, otherwise known as a meibomian gland cyst, is a small, raised, red lump which appears on the eyelid. It is caused by a blocked or infected meibomian (oil-producing) gland. A chalazion is not generally painful and it is...

How do you feel about dry eyes?
How do you feel about dry eyes? Do you have dry eye disease? Researchers from Aston Optometry School are using an anonymous survey to assess patient perspectives on dry eye disease. If you have dry eye disease, are 18 years or older and can complete the survey in...

Dry Eye Complications: Neuropathic Pain
Dry Eye Complications: Neuropathic Pain You’ve got acute dry eye symptoms but testing doesn’t show that your eyes are dry. Or you’ve had treatment for dry eyes but you still have eye pain. You might have neuropathic ocular pain. What is neuropathic ocular pain?...